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Welcome parents! This is a launching place for useful information about activities, resources, and events specifically for our parent community. Here, you will find quick links to the Parent Portal, calendar, lunch menu, and Family Handbook as well as information about the Parent Association and Frequently Asked Questions.


Parent Association

St. Nicholas has a very active Parent Association, which includes all St. Nicholas parents. Parent level representatives support the school by coordinating various activities. They communicate information about volunteer needs for cottage and school-wide events. Each event has a chair to coordinate details, but all parents are encouraged to be involved. Our Parent Leaders and Level Representatives are listed below.

Parent Association Executive Committee

PRESIDENT:  Britney Cooke
VICE PRESIDENT: Stephanie Lamar
CO-SOCIAL CHAIRS: Natia Ellis and Niti Tejani


Level Representatives

Level Rep Meeting Dates

Wednesday, September 4
Wednesday, October 2 
Wednesday, November 6 
Wednesday, December 4 
Wednesday, February 5 
Wednesday, March 5 
Wednesday, April 2
Wednesday, May 7